Videssence Fluorescent Lighting
  Product Installations - WWNY-TV (CBS-7) in Watertown, NY  

WWNY-TV began broadcasting over 60 years ago from a 32’ x 30’ studio on Champion Hill. By the mid 1960’s it was apparent a bigger space was needed for the budding station and ground was broken in 1968 for a new location in downtown Watertown. They were up and running in the new station by February 1970 and have been expanding their broadcast offerings ever since.

The recent upgrade of lighting with Videssence fixtures replaced higher wattage Quartz fixtures with 25w ExceLED, LED fixtures for key and back lighting. In addition to the power saving because of the reduced wattage, the new LED fixtures produce less heat in the space so the load on HVAC system is also reduced. Fill lighting was provided by the Powerkey, P110-255BX fluorescent fixtures.  These patented fixtures are the only adjustable beam fluorescent fixtures in the industry.

According to the station’s website “As WWNY/WNYF enters its second 50 years of operation, we continue to believe that small broadcasters have a special obligation to be good stewards to their communities, to do well by doing good.”

We at Videssence applaud their attitude and look forward to lighting their broadcasts.